BSE Sensex and NSE Nifty 50 were trading flat with a positive bias on Wednesday, a day before weekly F&O expiry. Market participants were keenly eyeing the outcome of the FOMC meet, which is scheduled to be released tonight. So far in the day, BSE Sensex has hit a day’s low of 52,538.51, while NSE Nifty 50 index fell to a day’s low of 15,683.30. On S&P BSE Sensex, 2 stocks out of 30 scrips made a fresh 52-week low. Tata Steel share price fell to Rs 951.50 apiece, surpassing the previous low of Rs 987.65 apiece. Tech Mahindra stock price, too, made a new 52-week low of Rs 1,018.05 apiece, crossing the last low of Rs 1,020.50 apiece. while no stock hit a fresh 52-week high on S&P BSE Sensex.
In the afternoon trade on BSE Sensex, a total 79 stocks fell to their respective 52-week lows. These include AGS Transact Technologies, Bajaj Consumer Care, Bharat Petroleum Corporation (BPCL), Coforge, Crompton Greaves Consumer Electricals, Dhani Services, Equitas Small Finance Bank, G R Infraprojects, Hindalco Industries, Hindoostan Mills, Hindustan Petroleum Corporation (HPCL), IRCON International, Nuvoco Vistas Corporation, SpiceJet, Tata Communications, Tijaria Polypipes, and Vakrangee, among others.
On the National Stock Exchange, 13 stocks hit new 52-week highs, while 64 were at fresh 52-week low levels in the afternoon trade on Wednesday. The stocks that hit 52-week lows were Bajaj Consumer Care, Balaji Telefilms, Crompton Greaves Consumer Electricals, CSB Bank, Dhani Services, Dredging Corporation of India, G R Infraprojects, Gujarat Sidhee Cement, Hindalco Industries, Indian Railway Finance Corporation, JSW Ispat Special Products, Power Finance Corporation, Repco Home Finance, and Tata Steel Long Products, among others.
On the contrary, stocks of BLS International Services, Mirza International, Priti International, Standard Industries, and Varun Beverages among others touched new 52-week highs on NSE.
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