BSE Sensex and NSE Nifty 50 were ruling weak on the day of weekly F&O expiry. So far in the session, BSE Sensex hit a day’s low of 54,507.41, while NSE Nifty 50 touched 16,243.85. On the S&P BSE Sensex, no stock hit a fresh 52-week high or 52-week low. While on BSE Sensex, a total of 47 stocks rose to their respective 52-week highs.
The marquee names that made fresh 52-week highs were Abhinav Capital Services, Alpine Housing Development Corporation, Avro India, Baroda Rayon Corporation, Chemcrux Enterprises, Garbi Finvest, Gujarat Cotex, Hindustan Motors, Indrayani Biotech, Nippon India ETF Infra BeES, J Kumar Infraprojects, Kohinoor Foods, and Sulphur Holdings & Hospitality (India), among others.
On the National Stock Exchange (NSE), 15 stocks touched their respective 52-week highs, while 35 fell to their new 52-week low levels in the morning deals. Those that hit fresh 52-week highs were Archidply Decor, Global Education, Hardwyn India, Hindustan Motors, KPI Green Energy, Oil India, and Standard Industries, among others.
On the flip side, Aavas Financiers, Advani Hotels & Resorts (India), AGS Transact Technologies, Akash Infra-Projects, The Anup Engineering, CSB Bank, Deepak Nitrite, Gujarat State Petronet, Life Insurance Corporation Of India, Lux Industries, Sadbhav Engineering, Vijaya Diagnostic Centre, and Vardhman Textiles, among others hit their fresh 52-week lows on NSE.
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