Benchmark indices were sharply lower on Friday, tracking a plunge in global markets on inflation fears and ahead of the US May CPI data. In late morning deals, the BSE Sensex fell over 850 points to 54,461, while the NSE Nifty 50 shed 200 points to hover around 16,250. In the broader markets, the BSE MidCap and SmallCap indices were also in the negative territory, down up to 0.9 per cent. Sectorally, all indices suffered losses. Nifty Metals and IT slumped the most, down up to 1.7 per cent. Nifty Banks, Financials, Pharma and PSBs were the other notable drags. Over 50 stocks hit 52-week high on BSE, while 46 scrips were at fresh lows intraday.
Stocks that hit 52-week high, low on BSE
A-1 Acid, Abhinav Capital Services, Brookfield India Real Estate Trust REIT, Confidence Futuristic Energetech, Chennai Ferrous Industries, Galactico Corporate Services, GHCL, Gorani Industries, J Kumar Infraprojects, Maharashtra Seamless, Rolex Rings, S&T Corporation, Time Technoplast, Vadilal Industries and TVS Motor Company were among the stocks that hit 52-week high on BSE. Meanwhile, The Anup Engineering, Mrs. Bectors Food Specialities, Grasim Industries, Heritage Foods, India Pesticides, Latent View Analytics, Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC), Medplus Health Services, Nuvoco Vistas Corporation, Shree Cement, Tasty Bite Eatables, UTI Asset Management Company, Vijaya Diagnostic Centre were among the scrips at new lows.
Sensex, Nifty top gainers, loses
Asian Paints, Ultratech Cement, Maruti, Titan, Dr Reddy, Powergrid and Nestle India were the sole Sensex gainers, while Kotak Mahindra Bank, Bajaj Finance, HDFC, Wipro, Tech Mahindra, Reliance Industries, Infosys and HDFC Bank were the top losers. In the Nifty pack, Asian Paints, Tata Consumer Products, Grasim, Apollo Hospitals, Shree Cement were the top gainers, while Hindalco, Kotak Mahindra Bank, Bajaj Finance, HDFC and Wipro were the laggards.
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